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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Project/Research Questions

Okay. This assignment did not go at all as well as I would have liked. Not even close. I have been so dang busy! I mean, that is not really an excuse. I believe in the idea that you always have time for the things you want to do. I mean, except I really wanted to do this, but I had so much else to do. Anyhow, these are terrible, terrible questions. I realized as I sat down to work on this today that I don't quite understand the assignment and that I need a little more time/research to ponder this out. I am getting there. I think I need to just talk to a few people. Sarah, our new class teacher person will probably be good for that. Rachel has also offered to talk me through my project, which would be excellent. Actually if I just go to the field study office I would probably find someone I could talk to. Anyhow, I need to do that this week so I can finalize what I want to do. Right now I have like five similar, but competing ideas. I need to eliminate four. Also, I need to be able to write a research question that does not sound retarded like these ones do. I am not exactly sure how to pose these. I mean, if, for example, I wanted to do the one about Urdu, if my goal was just to survey what is there, how to I write that succinctly in one question? I am not sure if I could really find a good question until I had actually had access to the material. There is probably a very reasonable and logical way through all this and I will figure it out with help. I just need more time!
Anyhow, my questions are hiding behind the break. Do not look at them. I am posting them for reference only. I will post the actual real good one at some point in the future, hopefully sometime this week.

What and why do Indians read and write?

Is their any extant record of Emma Roberts left in India?

What is the condition of Indian writing in native Indian languages compared to Indian writing in English?

What are the major themes in 18th and 19th century Urdu poetry?

What is the path that Indian writing in English has taken since its origin?


  1. I would love to have a convo with you, really. But keep in mind this type of uncertainty and pruning down your research is an ongoing process, and it is okay that you are working things out at this stage. You are doing really well so far.

    1. So is there a point where we need to have some sort of final version? The syllabus mentions having a draft of the proposal in February. I just am nervous about being ready with a solid question by then.

  2. Rem, this is Sarah. First off, Rachel is right-- pruning your research is an ongoing process. You are completely fine in having five questions right now. I actually think that is great in keeping your range broad right now (right, Rachel?). When I started out, I narrowed down on one question a long time before I needed to, and thus I missed out on exploring a lot of other opportunities. I'm not as expert in this as Rachel is, but it seems that we both agree in counseling you to not worry as much. Rachel-- feel free to expound, you're the high priestess of field studies (Ashley of course, is the goddess ;).

    1. I will just assume that IFS blog person is you from now on?
      And that makes me feel better. I will continue working on these ideas for now at least.

  3. Yeah no panicking allowed. You still have my number? Send me a text so we can figure out when to meet and I'll have your number.

    PS- High Priestess???? Hmm. Not sure how I feel about that Sarah. :) Averyl is the one who prays to FS deities.

    1. Ha, this is too true! We'll let Averyl have this calling.
